The answers to the most frequently asked questions.
The company ROMEX® was founded in 1989 in Rheinbach as ROMEX® GmbH by Rolf Meurer. In 1999, the company was converted into an AG (small public limited company). You can find more about the company's history here.
The name ROMEX® is made up of the initials of the company founder Rolf Meurer and the word export, because export was the main business of this company at the beginning. Rolf Meurer Export. If you would like more info on the history, click here.
Yes, ROMEX® is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. A quality management standard that describes which requirements the management system of a company must meet in order to comply with a certain standard of quality management. Annual audits safeguard our quality standards and ensure that we are constantly developing and improving processes.
Yes, ROMEX® is, under the manufacturer number 208510, a contractual partner of Interseroh Dienstleistungs GmbH. Further information on disposal can be found here.
Yes, ROMEX® is committed to environmental protection. Our R&D department is constantly developing products. We focus on making our production processes more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We are constantly researching natural raw materials and binders. We already use environmentally friendly raw materials, use packaging made from recycled plastic (PCR) and some of our production is powered by solar energy generated in-house. In the case of non-PCR packaging, we ensure that this packaging can be returned to the recyclable materials cycle via our disposal service providers. Furthermore, we try to source raw materials as regionally or close to the location as possible in order to keep the CO2 balance low. Further information on environmental protection can be found here.
Yes, social commitment is very important to ROMEX®. For us, social responsibility does not end at our own company gate. We particularly support regional projects such as the Tafel, Kinderherzen e.V., but also support other important issues such as bone marrow donation (DKMS), traffic education for children by the police. Another project close to our hearts is child sponsorship through World Vision. You can find more information about our social commitment here.
In order to meet customer demands and market requirements, ROMEX® markets its products under the brands ROMPOX® and FUGLI®. The ROMPOX® brand is the professional brand for the landscaper, the road builder, the civil engineer, the certified applicator. The ROMPOX® products are products and systems of the highest quality. These systems are sold exclusively through specialist building material dealers and are processed by expert companies. FUGLI® is the do-it-yourself brand of the ROMEX® company and is sold directly to the end consumer via DIY stores and online. The products of the FUGLI® brand are high-quality products that can be used and processed without hesitation, especially by do-it-yourselfers and laymen.
To learn more about our do-it-yourself brand, click here.
Synthetic resins have been used in the construction sector for decades in many areas of application. They have also long since proven themselves as binders for pavement jointing mortars. By using different synthetic resin binders and sands, grouts with very specific properties can be produced. In principle, a distinction is made between 1-component and 2-component systems. ROMEX® uses polybutadiene and polyurethane resins as 1-component resins. These harden through contact with atmospheric oxygen or humidity, as is also known from paints, for example. These products are usually very easy to handle. The 2-component materials have an epoxy resin as a binder. Here, a hardener is added to a resin component. A chemical reaction creates a very stable connection. By using different hardeners and binder proportions, products can be tailor-made for a wide range of applications. This enables us to offer suitable solutions for almost every area of application.
Synthetic resin-based pavement jointing mortars are modern, very high-quality systems for grouting almost all outdoor stone and slab surfaces, which have many advantages over conventional joint fillers. Unlike common grit or sand, synthetic resin paving grouts remain permanently in the joint and protect the joint from weed growth. They are tread-resistant and resistant to high-pressure cleaners. Compared to cement, synthetic resin-based grouts offer frost and de-icing salt resistance. Cement grouts with the smallest cracks burst open due to freezing water in the joints and break. There is also no need for laborious cleaning after grouting with cement. Synthetic resin grout can be easily swept off during application. Particularly for larger areas, synthetic resin paving grout offers enormous time savings. Synthetic resin pavement jointing mortar is easy to lay and guarantees an attractive joint appearance in the long term.
We produce pavement jointing mortar for a wide variety of applications. These range from small decorative areas to garden paths, terraces and driveways to heavy traffic areas such as bus stops or market squares. Our products are therefore divided into two areas: Private areas and public areas. You can get an overview of the different areas of application and the possible load in each case on the following overview.
We produce pavement jointing mortar for a wide range of applications and areas of use. We cover all loads from pedestrians to heavy traffic. You can get an overview of the different areas of application and the respective possible loads on the following overview.
Due to their composition, pavement jointing mortars can only be realistically installed from a joint width of 3 mm. For joint widths below 3 mm, we recommend our joint sands. Our range includes grouting solutions from 1 mm grout widths and for almost every application. An overview of the different joint widths, areas of application and the respective possible loads can be found in the following overview.
2-component pavement jointing mortars (2K) are basically designed for heavier loads. In many cases, the use of 1-component pavement jointing mortar is sufficient for private areas. In addition, 1C pavement jointing mortar is easier and faster to apply, especially for non-professionals. You can get an overview of the different areas of application of 1C and 2C pavement jointing mortar on the following overview.
Our pavement jointing mortars all offer excellent protection against weeds. And that permanently. In general, we would like to point out that thorough cleaning of the joints before grouting is very important.
No, our pavement jointing mortars are all cement-free.
Our ROMPOX® - JOINTING SAND NP becomes plastic and somewhat softer when it rains due to its raw material composition. However, it is not washed out of the joint. Heavily loaded areas such as drip edges can be additionally protected with our ROMPOX® - JOINT STRENGTHENER.
It is not possible to flush our 1K and 2K pavement jointing mortars out of the joint. With these products, the joints themselves can be cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner. In addition to being a permanently fixed joint, all our pavement jointing mortars are water-permeable and thus drain rainwater. Note: ROMEX® grouting sands are not resistant to high-pressure cleaners.
We recommend the use of ROMPOX® - ECOFINE. The slabs must be bound and laid so that they are permeable to water. Our bedding products are of course suitable for the appropriate bedding.
In general, it would of course also be possible to use almost all other ROMEX® pavement jointing mortars, although a whitish/grey film may appear during weathering, especially when using 2-component pavement jointing mortars on dark coverings. Read more about this on the synthetic resin film page.
Our 1 and 2 component paving joint mortars are characterised by their very long durability. Many of the surfaces laid during the early days of the ROMEX company are still in use today. The joint sand NP requires a little more maintenance and possibly occasional reworking, as it does not harden completely.
It can indeed happen that you see different sand colours from one and the same pallet when you open the Easy pails. Depending on where and how long a pallet with ROMPOX® - EASY has been stored, it can happen that the sand colour of the buckets on the outside has already changed to the later colour shade due to UV radiation. The colours equalise in the course of a few weeks.
Buckets that are on the "inside" of the pallet and are not exposed to direct UV radiation still have their original sand colour. Therefore, we write in our documents as well as on the pallets that containers/buckets must be protected from direct sunlight.
In addition, all our products and fillers are natural products that may show natural colour variations.
For narrow joints, we recommend our products ROMPOX - ECOFINE and ROMPOX - D1, which can be laid from a joint width of 3 mm. For very narrow joints from 1 mm, there is our ROMPOX - JOINTING NP.
In principle, all 2-component paving joint mortars can be used for very wide joints. The exact product selection depends on the expected load. The following overview provides an overview of the different areas of application and the respective possible loads.
This depends on the product to be used. The 1-component products ROMPOX - ECOFINE and ROMPOX - EASY, as well as ROMPOX - JOINTING SAND NP, are easy for DIYers to use. If the use of 2-component paving joint mortar is planned, we recommend that you contact a professional for the application.
Your safety is important to us. When handling synthetic resins, please observe the safety instructions on the container label and in the technical data sheets. Furthermore, the instructions of the employers' liability insurance associations regarding occupational safety should be observed, i.e. personal protective equipment such as gloves and safety goggles.
In principle, yes. However, the sands, natural products and generally in the course of time certain colour variations contained in the products are subject to change. Please check before installation whether the sand colours still match in your case.
The instructions for use are very well described in our technical documentation. We also offer application videos for almost all of our products on this website.
Yes, in principle this is not a problem at all. All 2-component epoxy resin mortars (e.g. ROMPOX® - DRAIN, ROMPOX® - D1, ROMPOX® - PROFI-DEKO, etc.) as well as the 1-component polyurethane products (e.g. ROMPOX® - DEKO) can be used around swimming pools. However, the products cannot be used under water, in the pool, garden pond or as a stream.
On the other hand, we do not recommend the use of 1-component fixed and ready-mixed mortars, such as ROMPOX® - EASY. This type of grout can slowly dissolve over time. Discolouration can of course occur in general.
The best solution for private areas on hot days is ROMPOX® - ECOFINE. The guarantor for relaxed summer building sites. As a 1-component grout, ROMPOX® - ECOFINE has a completely different reaction mechanism and reacts much more slowly (slower) at high temperatures than a 2-component grout. As material only has to be taken out in portions during processing, the bag can be processed without any problems, even for up to one hour. If the processing should unexpectedly take longer, the contents of the bag can be poured into the bucket and filled up with water until the entire mortar is covered with water. It is then possible to "keep" the mortar for a whole month.
Yes, we also have a pavement jointing mortar that can be used around pools. This sustainable grout is chlorine and salt water resistant. You can find more information about our product ROMPOX® - ECOFINE in the product data sheet.
We usually state the shelf life of our products as 2 years. However, you can still use most products after many years without any problems. If you are unsure, please contact us.
The storage of ROMPOX® products cannot be generalised. ROMPOX® - EASY und ROMPOX® - Ecofine are insensitive to frost and can also be stored outside. The containers must be protected from direct sunlight. The 2-component products in buckets and as bagged goods such as ROMPOX® - DRÄN or ROMPOX® - D1 must be stored frost-free and dry. In addition, the pallets are not stackable!
Our bucket packs can also be stored outdoors, in which case please ensure that the products are stored frost-free and not in the blazing sun. The sandbags are not suitable for outdoor use and should at least be stored under cover.