Play it safe with our system guarantee.
Two essential aspects of jointing are that the joint is only as good or as strong as its superstructure and substructure and that pavement jointing mortar does not absorb any settlement of the surface. A paved surface must be able to transfer the forces acting on it, e.g. from traffic movements, downwards in a dimensionally stable manner. All jointing mortars can only achieve a supporting or securing effect here, but cannot prevent damage. Therefore, the requirements for a functioning paving or slab surface are careful planning, taking into account the applicable regulations, as well as flawless workmanship and proper use of the surface.
According to the valid german regulations ZTV Wegebau, VOB Part C, ATV DIN 18318 and the working papers of the FGSV, M FP & M FPgeb, different construction methods are possible depending on the use/load. ROMEX® products can be used to create the appropriate construction structures for each of these construction methods. If our products are used as a system, the ROMEX® SYSTEM GUARANTEE (RSG for short) applies.
The RSG is a real added value for every Contractor and means security for clients, planners and specialist companies. When laid professionally in accordance with the german applicable regulations using our system of bedding mortar, bonding slurry and paving joint mortar, there is a 10-year guarantee on surfaces within the scope of the ZTV-Wegebau. This means that we effectively "take over" the five-year guarantee on the construction work that companies have to give their end customers anyway under the German Civil Code (BGB) and give Contractors and specialist companies an additional five-year guarantee on the surface.
RSG Brochure
ROMEX® is the first and only manufacturer in the field of paving and slab laying in garden landscaping to offer its customers such a guarantee. Take advantage of this unique added value for you and your customers! Contact us for further information and detailed guarantee conditions.